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Thinking about starting work as a driver in the Bolt app? Are you already driving on other ride-hailing platforms and would like to give Bolt a try? Or maybe you're already employed and about to start working, but you're not sure how Bolt works and how to use it? In this article, you'll learn everything about the app!

What is the Bolt App?

Have you heard about the Bolt app and wonder what it is? It's an app used by people who order Bolt taxi rides and drivers who accept (or decline) those rides! 

You can use the Bolt app for free on all Android and iOS devices. Phone, tablet – it's up to you to decide on which device you'll use it. It's important to have a SIM card.

The app doesn't work like a standard taxi meter. Although it calculates ride costs, the difference is that both you and the passenger already know them before the ride starts. The app also determines the optimal route and gives you the option to contact the customer. If you're driving on Bolt taxi, you know that the driver app is the most important tool for work – right after the car ;).

How Does Bolt Work?

Nothing complicated. You accept a request that appears in the app, pick up the customer, and take them to their chosen destination. 

When you start the ride, you know its exact price. The app calculates rates, taking into account various factors, such as:
– distance of the route (always the shortest),
– duration of the journey,
– number of stops.
Usually, the price you see in the app doesn't change during the ride. The price only changes when you add stops or change the destination. After completing the ride, the app sends information to the eKasa (virtual fiscal cash register), which issues an electronic receipt.

Curious about how to use Bolt? It's very simple, see for yourself.

How to Use Bolt?

You can find your account balance and earnings history divided by days, weeks, and months in the driver balance. In the app itself, you'll find statistics about your rides. You'll see, for example:
– activity statistics (accepted, declined, and missed rides),
– list of cancellation reasons,
– driver rating.

Someone has ordered a Bolt ride? The notification will appear on your smartphone screen. You can accept it with one button. We can also assure you that you don't have to worry about how Bolt works, as it's an intuitive app! 

Information about the possibility of earning additional cash bonuses can also be found in the app. Actions are constantly published in the app, even in advance. All to help you plan your work ahead of time and earn as much as possible. If you decide to complete quests, you can check your progress in real time.

Contacting Customers

The Bolt app offers you several ways to contact customers:
– secure VOIP calls,
– traditional phone calls,

Rest assured, in any case, your number is safe (masked or unused). In the near future, chat functionality will be launched – this form will surely appeal to many people. When a passenger orders a ride, they have the option to add a short text message that will appear on your phone.

Driving Features

Continuous rides:
– allow drivers to accept the next ride before completing the current one. This allows for smooth driving, no unnecessary breaks, and higher earnings.

Rides in a specific direction:
– with this feature, you can take rides that are nearby or on the route of your current ride.

You decide which option is most beneficial for you – although we recommend using all of them! More options mean more earnings.

Bolt – Advance Booking

Lastly, let's talk about another great feature. Bolt allows customers to book rides in advance. Bolt Business users can book rides for their team members using the Ride Booker tool.

As a driver, you'll see rides in the app with a date and time for their execution, as well as the pickup and drop-off locations.

After reading this article, you already know what the Bolt app is and what information you can find in it. Open the app as often as possible and start taking rides!